Friday, April 04, 2008

Home Life

Living with a 5 year old

I have more stories about my 5 year old ! But much like the doting father who has way too many pictures in his wallet - I shall try to refrain - but from time to time some of it may bleed into my blog. And this is one of those times !!

My 5 year old (Lauren) came home from school last week, buzzing all about Leprechauns. What they do, what color they are, the sounds them make etc. Lauren cautioned me to be careful about finding gold coins in the street and picking them up – she told me very seriously, ‘you need to be very careful cause the gold coins could be a trap’ at 1,000 an ounce I told her I would take my chances. She admonished me on this laisser-faire attitude towards the Leprechauns. My wife came home and she got the same lecture on what I have now termed the ‘Leprechaun Menace’ – to my 5 years olds consternation – my wife told her that Leprechauns were not real, Lauren turned to me and said, ‘Daddy tell Mommy they are real’. I went into the kitchen, got a box of Lucky Charms and boldly said with my 5 year old at my side, “If Leprechauns are not real, who the heck is this” as I pointed to the box. My wife looked at both us – and presented with this seemingly unimpeachable evidence looked at me and said, “you’re getting up tonight when she wakes up at 2:00am screaming about Leprechauns in her bedroom” For the record, she did not get up until 3:00am.

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